Thursday, May 18, 2006

Time to post again although there is not much to say. Perhaps I will spend a few minutes catching you up on the job situation.

If you followed me here from Random you know a bit about the situation when I left Japan. While I was there my company moved from Atlanta to Reston Virginia to share headquarters with (and be absorbed by) our parent company. Many Atlanta employees received relocation packages and made the move. Most who did are unhappy and in shock due to the huge difference in cost of living. When I left Japan I was asked if I would consider a relo and I said I would. I flew back thinking I had maybe a few months to get my house on the market, pack, and move. As time went on and I had no further word I began to realize this was not going to happen, at least not as fast as I returned thinking.

God. When I talk about my job and the airline industry and what my company does I always see eyes glaze over so I will keep this short and sweet. Basically, parent company decided to sell the division of my company that I work in. My boss (Gerard, the best boss inthe world) banded together with our former CEO, found investors, and put in a bid. The parent company coyly decided not to sell after all. Gerard decided in this case he would resign effective May 25 and take the summer off and in the fall begin a new company. One more week and Gerard will no longer be my boss. Also, parent company has decided to take a new approach to the business. By default due to my year in Japan I am now a member of the "International Start Up Team." Due to the new approach this team is now defunct. So I will be taking on new responsibilities (totally a lateral move) and reporting to a wonderful Danish man I had the great fortune to work with for a few months in Tokyo. At this point there is no reason for me to relocate. Supposedly I will be traveling quite a bit to shore up current operations around the world so the company can better sell its services. Beyond that I have no idea, I only know it sounds like a huge challenge and will draw on skills that I have not used in many years, as well as force me to develop new ones. Of course in another week this could all fall to the wayside and I will be doing data entry. I have learned in this company you never know until you are doing it and I have to admit that while this is tremendously frustrating at times it at least is not predictable.

If you have read this much I am sure your eyes are glazed over now, if not rolling back in your head and so I will stop.

Still waiting to find out when (IF?) I will journey back to Tokyo for a couple of weeks. I do know I will put one suitcase inside another so that when I come back I can bring about 3000 Yen worth of KING OF SPONGE!!!!

1 comment:

gaga said...

spam comments piss me off. Am working on a way to delete this.