Friday, June 13, 2008

One project down

So OK. One down and 7,000 to go. But one down.

As I mentioned earlier I am going to concentrate for a while on smaller, easier projects that have been put off because I honestly don't know when the phone is going to ring and I'm going to have to haul the suitcase out of the attic and go. So.

Project number one has been put off for about 14 months. I finished my kitchen/mudroom re-do on April 1, 2007 but left a few things undone. One in particular was the lack of a place to hang coats in the mudroom, which is now bright and light and airy but after a year of appreciating this during brief trips home I realized I needed to address the emptiness and tweak a few things.


Coat rack is now complete. Something I put off for 14 months took about 2 hours over 3 days.

Here is the corner before: The door to the left leads to the clost sized laundry room which is where I have been hanging coats in the meantime.

Here is the corner now:

Look at Camille sitting on the step ladder monitoring my progress!

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